Text Neck (the performance)

In June 2018, I performed with 8 others after a screening of Text Neck, the video. While I described screen-related anecdotes, the others used their phones to enhance my stories with audio and visual content projected behind me. We used screen-casting software to achieve a mirroring of their screens so the audience saw exactly what was on their phones. My fellow performers’ attempts to compliment me quickly spiraled out of control. Layers of photographs, text messages, video, audio, memes and trolling clogged the system. In the end we decided that the only way to avoid this kind of jam is a chip implant, shortening the distance between our thoughts and our technology thus making communication more efficient.

Performers: Karen Martinez, Mark Ponder, Andi Valentine, Jessica Gonzalez, Sidney Garrett, Mat Kubo, Christelyn Nash and Sabrina Juarez.